Thursday, May 19, 2011


So I realized.....just a few minutes ago.....that I do art! And I wasn't even realizing it! And, yeah, I make stuff. But I do something that is totally and completely me. I have this habit of keeping interesting bits of things around. I pick them up off the floor or hold onto them or stumble upon them or acquire them in some way. Every time I bring something new home, I tape it to my wall. (When I was still living with my parents, I taped them to the back of my door--I've always done this!) So I make these crazy jumbled together types of arrangements of all these odd/interesting bits of stuff. How did I never notice that this was art?! Crazy. I do have an art that is all my own. ^^ It's just something I never consciously made as art. It was always just a part of how I operated....

Anyhows, enough with going on about how blown away I am right now. Here's a small one forming on my wall right now:

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