Sunday, May 8, 2011

Basketry: Update I

So, I've been working on the basket-making. I decided to make one for my mother for Mother's Day. Didn't quite get it finished, though. :/ I decided to try and put a turtle and wave design on it. Whew! Switching between that many colors is kinda hard. I'm using two colors together to make the blue water--one fluffy to give it some fun texture and the other a plain yarn so it's not teeny tiny. I'm also using two different colors together for the shell--the green I'm using for the turtle skin, plus some bright green floss (I hope I don't run out of it!). As you can see, I'm about halfway done. Interrupted by papers and finals....

Here's the almost complete first basket. I didn't know how to finish the top, so I made up a weaving method to make long straps. Perhaps they'll go together to make a loop? I haven't quite decided. You can see the wave pattern I decided on. It made a good intro to switching colors. 

Also, this type of basket weaving technique is called "twining."

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