Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Disappointment, Success, and Cute

     So I've been attempting more of the art of the envelope. With the prompt of "flowers," I created this pretty but vaguely uncreative thing. I shall endeavor to be more creative in my next attempts. Though I have decided I do enjoy the combined look of the drawn-over picture. It adds a bit of the illustrator's style, perhaps. I have a few more mail-art prompts coming up. Birds, a colored theme, and one of my choosing.

     Perhaps for the freebies I should start what I once wished to do: pick an artist whose art I enjoy and copy either their style or subject matter. Of course, altering it so that it is my own creation and not merely a copy. This could be a good exercise, if remembered. On the bird theme, I could copy my past success. However, while the receiver may well enjoy it, where is the art in creating a stale copy? Hence a motive for this blog: to keep my art honest, and effort displayed to be judged alongside others of my work.

     And here are more ATCs. For this prompt, I had to have some part of the card brunt. I decided to burn the edges and remount it upon another backing.

     I went outside my normal style of things for a mixed media mash-up kind of look. I'm not sure I like what I've made, but I've always wished I 
could create such types of art and these two ATCs are the closest I feel I've gotten yet. 
Therefore, considered a success. :)

     And then, of course, I can't forget about my steampunked sea turtle. At first, I was excited by the prompt "steampunk sea creature." All sorts of ideas flitted around my head of creatures of the deep. However, when it came time to actually create, all ideas fled. Then I found this little guy. I immediately know he needed a monocle and top hat. though how to make him steampunk and not just Victorian....I decided he could be a little machine. Though how steam or smoke billows out underwater, I couldn't tell you. He is cute though, is he not?  ^_^

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