Thursday, May 16, 2013

Smashbook pages

So I joined a smashbook page swap. I've never made any sort of smashbook. Though, one could argue that my wall of emphemera is it's own sort of smashwall.

Once I wrapped my head around the concept....I came up with the idea that empty smashbook pages are a lot like empty journal art pages. You set up the
theme and the person can add whatever.

The theme of the swap was "This is the time for...." and then we had to come up with four different words/themes for each of the pages. I think I did pretty well considering I'd never tried anything like this before.

These first four are back/front on two separate pages.

While these last four are done with one larger page folded in half to create a folio.

Funny. I accidentally put all the pictures of the interactive pages on the right.

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