Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Photography

Here are some fun shots I took playing with different effects on my camera in the low light.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Pop Can Flower

I made a couple of these to sell at the bazaar. Making them kept me busy while I was there, which was great. A lot of people thought they were pretty neat. I ended up selling 4, which is pretty good considering how many people came through buying things. :)

Christmas Decorations

Its hard to take pictures at night. :/ But here are some of the beautiful handmade decorations we have warming up our household! My roomie Tabitha found this fun snowflake material at JoAnn's, so she had to create some stockings. When I hung them up, they were a bit lonely, so I used construction paper and cardboard to make us a fireplace! It's pretty warm-feeling, especially when I leave my scrap rug in front of it.  Tonight, I finished making snowflakes and hung them throughout our two main rooms. All that's lacking is the tree. And there are plans to get it next weekend! ^_^

Oh, the snowflakes on the front window are Tabitha's as well. She was keeping me company while I made the fireplace.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas Dress

So here's part I of my dress! I want to do a double ribbon pull in the front where right here I just have it pinned. Then I'll have big bows. Just after this picture I got to borrow a hat from the Kirkman House, which was awesome. But I won't be able to do that again, so I need to think of something for my head.

I think the most challenging part about this was the top. I made the black bits according to a jacket pattern and then cut out the front piece and changed the sleeves. If I were to do this over (which I definitely don't want to!) I would make the chest piece thinner and longer and I would make the bottom of the sleeves longer. I also don't know if I would line it. That seemed to eat up a lot of time and effort.

Here's my original design sketch. I think I want to try and make this top again. The linework I did do on the dress, but just as a sewing texture. With black, it doesn't show up too well. It might be fun to do that with piping. Around the front too. And less lace! Larger bell sleeves....

Anyhows, I think I did pretty well making my sketch a reality. :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Digital Sketch

Stumbleupon sent me to this cool sketchy website where you could use different "styles" to draw with. I created this.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Knee Sketch

So I actually had an idea for a piece pop into my head! I don't really particularly like my American Art and Architecture class, but it has definitely been inspiring. I've definitely had a bunch of doodles. What should I create out of them? Maybe if I had some time.....I just hope my muse doesn't run away from me before I get the chance!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ceramic Cafe

Ever been to Ceramic Cafe? it's a fun little place where you pick out a something and paint it. then, they fire it and you can use it to eat off of--microwave and dishwasher safe. It makes fun dishes. Here's the bowl my boyfriend and I painted:

I highly recommend the place for an activity that is all age inclusive. :)